
Who am I?

I'm Kadir, I was born in 1994 in Rize. I graduated from Computer Engineering department in Karadeniz Technical University in 2018. I had started my master at the same university and same department in 2019, but I quitted beacause I had to change my city. I worked on IoT communication protocol (6TiSCH) and embedded systems at Mavi Alp between 01.2017 and 06.2020.

After I quitted my job at MaviAlp, I took some time for myself and started looking for a new job. During this period, I received offers from several companies, but we couldn't agree on the working terms. Some companies I received an offer from are Huawei, AkınRobotics, CTech and Exentech. I accepted the offer of AkınRobotics but I resigned after one day of work. Also Huawei's offer was pretty good. If they hadn't made an offer at the same time as AirTies, I would have accepted Huawei's offer. Finally I accepted AirTies' offer and I have worked for AirTies between 09.2020 and 02.2023.

While I was working AirTies, I've got several interview requests from several companies. I was politely declining these interview requests since I wasn't thinking of changing my job for some reasons. Arista was actually one of the companies I declined an interview request from. They mentioned we could do the interview now and delay the start date, and I agreed to the interview. They were very polite during the interview process. I rejected their initial offer for a few reasons but got another response that explains they could fix the relevant reasons. After some emailing, I decided to accept their offer. In this process, I informed AirTies that I could continue working if they met some conditions, but my requests were too high for AirTies since the salary difference was huge. And as a result, I've decided to part ways with AirTies and embark on new adventures with Arista. I have been working for Arista as a Software Engineer Consultant since 02.2023.

I enjoy learning new things about software architecture, embedded systems, network(engineering, protocols, etc.), image processing and machine learning. The programming languages I have developed something on are C, C++, Java, Python, Java-Script, Go. This sequencing is in accordance with my coding prefrences.

I'm also a vim lover. And yes, that needs to be a separated paragraph.

Apart from my professional life, I like to listen music, I can play a few instruments. My daily life is often spent in front of the computer :)

Contact me!